Monday, November 24, 2008

If Money Flowed

I was recently tagged to list six things I would do if money were no object. I'm going to opt to reduce my list by excluding the obvious (new home, quit job, travel, etc). So here it goes.

1. I'd buy Jefferson County Kennel Club, then close it. I believe there is a place for the NGA Greyhound. However, it's not at this track, nor any other armpit track like it.

2. I would establish a Greyhound refuge, similar to Best Friends Animal Society and other canine rehabilitation centers. I would staff it with enough people (including those that truely cared for their Greyhounds at the tracks I close) to handle every Greyhound waiting for a new home.

3. Same as number two, except it would apply to any breed of horse. This would also include purchasing and closing all slaughterhouses in North America (for starters). I'd name the refuge after Ferdinand.

4. I would lobby tirelessly to help create laws that make any act of animal cruelty a felony. Personally, I'd like to see a variation Hammurabi's Code come into play, but that might be a little unrealistic. Although, it would leave a lasting first impression...

Sorry if you were looking for this to be an a-typical, self-serving list with a dash of philanthropy. I've been outside my box lately...


Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

# 3 already exists... the slaughter of horses is banned in the US, however the transportation of horses to slaughter isn't- they are still sent to Mexico and Canada:-(

Good list though!

Stephen said...

Hey Denise,

I did say North America. That accounts for Mexico and Canada =-o

My word verification is glatute. I was hiking all day and my glatutes are very sore.

Maria Peters said...

Most excellent list. I like your idea of buying and closing JCKC...and then hiring on the trainers for your new greyhound refuge. Way cool.

And yes, I hate learning things the hard way.