Thursday, January 29, 2009

Say What You Will....

From the mind of Michael Ramirez, Editorial Cartoonist for Investor's Business Daily.

A pig is a pig whether you take it into town, or to the trough...

I guess the reason it didn't work last year was that there wasn't enough money in it. Yeah, that's it.

What's the old rambling about repeating something over and over again, hoping for different results?

Oh yeah, now I remember.....insanity.


Zan said...

Stephen - It really is a stimulus package and is for our own good. The fact that it manages to fulfill many democratic campaign promises made over the years is only a coincidence!

Poolie said...

You're obviously in denial. Government is the answer to all of your problems... just ask them.

Life With Dogs said...

Insanity indeed. And now we all pay for it.

Stephen said...

With the spending ratio at 2/3rds and growing (thanks Senators!) I see very little to be stimulated about.