Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Keep You're Head on a Swivel

Keep both eyes and ears out for news involving Cass Sunstein. I usually don't jump on the conspiracy theory train, but this guy's background and his recent appointment to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in Obama's administration make him pretty dangerous if he chooses to implement his animal-rights ideals.

Here's the article.

Kudos to Todd for getting on this quickly.

Light the proverbial match and start spreading the fire.


Addie said...

Holy cow! Can I say holy cow now, or am I violating the rights of cows? I don't even know how to act now.

Seriously, though, this is super-scary and this is the first I'm hearing/reading about it. Thanks for posting this.


Stephen said...

Oh, so I'm good enough for you to comment on my blog, but not good enough for you to show up at the meeting last night? Yeah, that's right, I'm calling you out! EVERYBODY else showed up! Just two short of the full membership. We were going to have a parade and everything. Marching band. Clowns. Shriners (and their cool little cars!). That's all gone. Gone because you couldn't find it within yourself to come out. You made children cry...


Addie said...

I prevented the appearance of CLOWNS? That, in itself, should be reason enough for a hero's welcome, but it was uncool of us not to come. G got stuck at the shop until almost 8, and I should have just come without him. We'll be at the next one!

You sure did call me out...and I thought nobody would notice! Shoot!


Zan said...

I find this guys views so scary that I don't even know what to say. Thanks for posting!!

Addie said...

G wanted me to let you know that there's a new-administration support group meeting at our house on Saturday night.


Poolie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Poolie said...

Yes Addie, your absence was noticed. I was sooo looking forward to those little Shriner cars too.

PS: That was my deleted post. Had a whopper of a typo.