Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thought for the Day

Kick this around in your cranium today.....

President-elect Obama goes on record during the primaries saying Senator Clinton's suggested foreign policy experience equates to nothing more than tea parties with foreign dignitaries.

Senator Clinton's rebuttal, in part, states Obama is weak and is not ready to be Commander in Chief.

Now we have Barack Obama as our next Commander in Chief and, gee whiz, Senator Clinton is the top pick for Secretary of State.

One of the obvious questions to President-elect Obama that came up in a round of exchanges with reporters yesterday:

"You talked about the importance just now of having different voices and robust debate within your administration, but again going back to the campaign, you were asked and talked about the qualifications of the -- now your nominee for secretary of state and you belittled her travels around the world, equated it to having teas with foreign leaders. And your new White House counsel said her resume was grossly exaggerated when it came to foreign policy. I'm wondering if you can talk about the evolution of your views of her credentials since the spring?"

Our Commander's response...(sigh)

"I think this is fun for the press to try to stir up whatever quotes were generated during the course of the campaign. No, I understand, and you're having fun."


How darest thou insult thee with such pithy inquisitions. As ruler, I chooseth not to answer thine inquiry. Instead, I shalt find jest and amusement in belittling thee.

Guess he really didn't mean what he said time and time again during the primaries. I wonder if there was anything else he really didn't mean...

Now you just go and have yourself a terrific day!

The thoughts and ideas expressed in this blog posting are in no way consistent with the thoughts and ideas expressed by Barack Obama or the Democrat party. Therefore, you have been notified that any thoughts and ideas expressed in this blog posting are the equivalent of hate speech as defined by any mainstream media news outlet. Furthermore, aforementioned thoughts and ideas may cause offense to Democrats, liberals, non-achievers, those afflicted with wealth-envy, and any and all followers of the "Chosen One"...


Addie said...

A fine observation, I'd say. One of the benefits of the Dem primaries lasting just 5 minutes short of eternity is there will be lots of inconsistencies to consider.


Zan said...

Personally, I think we should all quit our jobs and wait for Obama to "spread the wealth around." Isn't that what he promised?

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Zan, good idea! My thought is that if they are going to spread the wealth around.... I might as well retire now.

Fingers crossed that President BO is ineffective.


Stephen said...

Addie -- If you're inconsistent it suggests you either didn't have a plan from the start or you can't pick one that works. Either way, I'd stand behind it as much as I would a manure truck.

Zan -- you first! =-)

Jen -- No!!

Poolie said...

If the 'Chosen One' gets his 60 seat majority and decides to go taxation crazy, Lisa or I one plan to quit our supposedly high paying jobs and reduce our taxable income. I hope it's me. I want to stay home and play with the pups all day.

Stephen said...

No worries Poolie. Saxby wins!