Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday's Worst - #17

Worst "Healthy" Burger

Ruby Tuesday Bella Turkey Burger

"Healthy" and "Burger" have never gone hand in hand. Oh, but they want you to believe that this Turkey burger is sooooo healthly. It's good for you! Look, there's something that resembles a tomato. They care so much about your livelihood and ability to see your feet while standing, don't they?
I doubt it.....check out how this behometh weighs in:

1,145 calories
71 g fat
56 g carbs

Do you remember what I told you about carb intake? That's the least of your concerns. How many restaurants like this will serve just a burger? Gotta have those fries, yeah? How 'bout a Coke and smile? And a few more chins while your're at it.

Next week: Burrito de la Muerte!


IHateToast said...

that looks like a cycloptic red-tongued brown frog that's had a bit too much grog.

but it's booby doomsday. like crapplebee's. chain restaurants. i never trust them.

the bun is shiny. should bread be shiny? my face is greasing up looking at it. i gotta go. craving quinoa.

Maria Peters said...

That is truly disgusting.

Stephen said...

Toast - Bread is only shiny when it's trying to kill you...

Zan said...

It sort of looks like it might start singing a scary nightmare song when you turn your back.

My v. word is prabli I prabli would be scared to eat that burger.

Denise- LessIsMore17 said...

I LOVE Ruby Tues salad bar! Never had the turkey burger though!

Leslie said...

It looks alive, I don't eat things that look it will bite back. Shudder !!!

"rustones" is my v word. You might get rustones if you eat that burger...

Addie said...

That's pretty gross looking, isn't it? What blows my doors off is the calories...since eating that "healthy" burger would blow my wad, so to speak, for almost the entire day!

Addie said...

Oh, and by the way, how exactly did you name 1002 colors in 5 minutes?! You're either a Rainman of the Rainbow, or you cheated!

Stephen said...

I did not cheat. I took the quiz honestly and posted the html code onto my blog. Now, I'm not saying I didn't manipulate the code and I'm not saying I did. I'm jus saying...