Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Ultimate A-Team Snag

Look who I have!!


Cool Coty said...

OK - for those of new to this blog and us who don't know - WHO ? Names, faces, colors, positions, who's who in this zoo ?

Anna said...

How did you finally snag Katie? I'm shocked that Jen let her favorite out of her sight! :-)

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Snookums, Thanks for taking Katie out yesterday.

Coty, my husband's greyhounds are Allie (white), Julie (black), and Stacker (brindle). He calls his greyhounds the B Team because they are not as trained as mine (the A team). Its definitely a "his" and "hers" in our house, but on this occasion I asked him to take Katie along (The one sitting, of course :-).

Welcome to blogging!


Unknown said...

Oh, Katie, how could you go over to the B Team?

Zan said...

Looks like Katie had a great day!!

IHateToast said...

okay,this is unrelated to this post, but i thought about you when i o'heard this.

my manboy and i were at the chandler markets (think farmers' market meets flea market) and we overhead this by one of the food stalls.
big man: i'd like one of your chunky cheese kranskies.

seller: okay. (with an accent, this is a german sausage stall run by hot german students. that's irrelevant, but i like my fantasies.)

big man gets his sausage.

big man: do you have any salt for it?

seller: well, it's pretty salty already.

big man: you mean, you don't have any salt?!

no kidding. thought of you right away...snookums.

KF-in-Georgia said...

Katie, it was very nice of you to go along to keep the B Team in line. :)

Stephen said...

Toast - That's going to puzzle me for a fortnight. I think I've got it narrowed down. Am I the sausage or the salt?? By the way, careful with pet names....the Queen can bring the pain when she has to ;-)

Stowe and Maria said...

That is an A team. I think we must have the C team because ours run the house and well...obedience isn't too much in their vocabulary.