Tuesday, March 10, 2009


If I had wanted a loose-joweled dog, I would have bought a Mastiff or a Bloodhound...

Julie looks like she just robbed some poor squirrel of it's winter stash. This is allergic reaction number three to ????? in the last six months. First one was a yellow jacket. I was able to see it sting her because it stung me first and I inadvertently flung it on her. Fortunately, as I sit here with her, I can see the effects of the Benadryl we just administered. The swelling's going down and she's getting very, very sleepy. We'll check her again in a couple hours and she should be fine in the morning. Don't worry too much. Her breathing and appetite are both fine!

There's something lurking here in the air. Something that is.....that is just not right. More to come.....


Unknown said...

Can we say Shar pei?

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Shar pei was my thought also :-). Snookums, I think we should knick name her Lumpy.


Anna said...

Poor Julie. :-( Hope she is better soon.